There are a couple easy ways to avoid low quality
BBs and keep your gun happy and healthy. The first thing to do is buy your BBs
at an Airsoft shop. I can’t say definitively that you will never find high
quality BBs at sporting goods stores, and I know that sometimes Big 5 will have
decent ones, but overall you have a much higher chance of picking up useless
BBs from those places. Brightly colored BBs or clear BBs are mostly likely low
quality. Most high quality BBs will be either white or black but you will
sometimes find them in yellow, green, and other colors. Anything that doesn’t
list a weight is low quality. Anything under .2g is not for your high quality
gun. .12g BBs are fine for springers but in your AEGs, GBBs, and high quality
spring rifles you will want to use .2g BBs. Some people prefer .25g BBs because
they give you slightly better accuracy at range, which is more of a personal
preference. Don’t ever use paint BBs. They always break and then your gun
will be full of paint and probably ruined. Don’t use the sample BBs that come
with your gun either, they are usually low quality. If you are buying
biodegradable BBs for whatever reason you have to pay more attention to
quality. High quality biodegradable BBs are probably the most expensive Airsoft
BBs you can buy, but it is even more important that you use a high quality
product when you are shooting biodegradables. I suggest Biotech brand, although
there are other good ones out there.
A lot of Airsoft gun manufacturers make their own
BBs and these can usually be trusted, at least the ones from Taiwanese and
Japanese companies. I don’t particularly like CYMA BBs (Chinese), ICS ones are
decent, Tokyo Marui and G&G ones are high quality, and Airsoft Elite are my
favorite BBs. Some other high quality BBs are Madbull, GoldenBall, Systema, and
Killer Beez. An important thing to keep in mind is that even containers of high
quality BBs will occasionally have a deformed BB in there somewhere. If you see
these, throw them out because they can cause jams.
When in doubt as to
which BB company to purchase from, ask the internet or the guy behind the
counter at your local Airsoft store. If you buy some BBs that are universally
recognized as high quality you might be able to trade some to other players at
the field and get a better idea of which brand is your favorite. High quality
BBs are probably the most important investment you can make for your Airsoft
gun, and it’ll thank you by not breaking every five minutes. Be safe and have fun and head on over to HobbyTron and I’ll see you on the field.
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